Priestcraft Distinguishd From Christianity

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Priestcraft Distinguishd From Christianity
Dennis John
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And St. Jofm^ in the Words of the Context, makes this very Divifion one diftinguifliing Mark of Antichrift. I Epift. Of St. Joh;i^ Chap. 2. Ver. I8, 19. Little children^ it is the lajl time : and as ye hai^e heard that Anti^ ^hrijl flj all come ^ even now are there many An- tichrijls ; whereby ye may know that it is the UJi time. Ver. 19. They went out from /^, but they were not of us : for if they had been of us^ they would no doubt have continued with us : but they went out that they might be... made ma^ nifefty that they were not at all of us. He lives, (?onverfes with none, preaches to none, but fuch as profefs Divifions * divides from all who are under the Power of the Gofpel, or the Power of Law ; is a Foe, nor only (26) only to good SubjeftS; but to good Princes, arid a Friend to Tyrants alone : A Tray- tor not only to his Prince, but to his Coun- try, whofe Conftitution he attacks by his enllaving Doftrines, and his more wretch- ed abjed Politicks of abfolute Non-refift- ance, unconditional Obedience, the moft infufferable kind of High Treafon.

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