Pronunciation of Plant Names

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Stewart Paton Mrs. Henry R. Rea Mrs. Oakleigh Thome PRONUNCIATION OF PLANT NAMES a PRONUNCIATION. In the first word in each ine the accent (') is short; C) is long.
In the second word vowels are to be pro- lounced as trise, at, age, art, air, all :nd, egg, eat, err, ewe n, it, ire, sir >n, otter, owe, or, do, owl, oil s, utter, use, urn ch, " as in chin; "th, " as in thin s, " as in soft; "f, " as in far g" as in go.
Ul other letters are unmistakable.
ACA /EC Acacia, a-kash'-i-a Acafcna, a-se'n
...a Acalypha, a-kal'-if-a Acantholimon, a-kanth-6-li'-mon Acanthophippium, a-kanth-6-fip'-pi-um Acanthophcenix, a-kanth-o-fee'-nix Acanthorhiza, a-kanth-o-rhi'-za Acanthostachys, a-kanth-6-stack'-is Acer, a'-ser Aceras, a'-ser-as Achillea, a-kil-le'-a Achimenes, a-ki-me'nez Acineta, a-si-ne'-ta Acis, a'-sis Acmena, ak-me'-na Aconite, ak'-o-mt Acorus, ak'-or-us Acroclinium, ak-ro-klin'-i-um Acronychia, ak-ron-ik'-i-a Acropera, ak-ro-pe'-ra Acrophyllum, ak-ro-fil'-lum Acrostichum, a-kros'-tr-kum Actsea, ak-tee'-a Actinella, ak-ti-nel'-la Actinidia, ak-tin-id'-i-a Actiniopteris, alc-tin-i-op'-ter-is Actinocarpus, ak-tin-6-kar'-pus Actinomeris, ak-tin-om'-er-is Actinophyllum, ak-tin-o-fil'-lum Actinotus, ak-tin-o'-tus Adansonia, ad-an-so'-ni-a Adelobotrys, ad-el-o-bot'-ris Adenandra, ad-en-and'-ra Adenanthera, ad-en-an-the'-ra Adenanthos, ad-en-anth'-os Adenocarpus, ad-en-o-kar'-pus Adenophora, ad-en-off'-or-a Adenostoma, ad-en-os'-to-ma Adesmia, a-dez ; ^ni-a Adiantum, ad-i-an'-tum Adlumia, ad-lu'm-i-a Adonis, a-do'-nis Adoxa, a-dox'-a a, ek-me'-a ALO ^Egiceras, e-jis'-er-as jEgle, e'-gle ^gppodium, e-go-po'-di-um ^ranthus, a-er-anth'-us Aerides, a-er'-i-dez jEschynanthus, es-kT-nan'-thus ^Esculus, es'-ku-lus -^Ethionema, e-thi-on-e'-ma -^thusa, e-thu'-za Agalmyla, a-gal-mi'-la Aganisia, a-gan-is'-i-a Agapanthus, ag-a-pan'-thus Agate, a-ga'-te Agathea, ag-a-the'-a Agathosma, ag-a-thoz'-ma Agathyrsus, ag-a-thirs'-us Agave, a-ga'-ve Ageratum, adj -er-a'-tum Aglaomorpha, ag-la-o-morf'-a Aglaonema, ag-la-o-ne'-ma Agraphis, ag / -ra-fis Agrimon'ia, ag'-ri-mo'-ni-a Agrostemma, ag-ro-stem'-ma Agrostis, a-gros'-tis Ailanthus, ail-anth'-us Aitonia, a-to'-ni-a Ajuga, a'-ju-ga Akebia, a-ke'-bi-a Albuca, al-bu'-ka Alchemilla, al-ke-mir-la Alder, all'-der Alecost, aT-kost Aleurites, al-ur-i'-tez Alhagi, al-hag'-i Alisma, al-iz'-ma Al'kanet, al'kan-et Allamanda, al-la-man'-da Allantodia, al-lan-to'-di-a A'llium, al'-li-um Alloplectus, al-lo-plek'tus Allosorus, al-lo-sor'-us Alnus, al'-nus Alocasia, al-6-kas'-i-a A'loe, al'-o-e 3 ALO ANA Alomia, al-6-mi-a Alona, al-6'-na Alonspa, al-6n-so'-a Aloysia, al-6Y-si-a Alpinia, al-pin'-i-a Alsine, al-si'-ne Alsodeia, al-so-de'-i-a ^Alsophila, al-soff'-il-a Alstonia, al-ston'-i-a Alstromeria, al-stro-me'ria Alternanthera, all-ter-nan-the'r-a Althea, al-the'-a Altingia, al-tin'-ji-a Alysicarpus, al-is-i-kar'-pus Alyssum, al-is'-sum Alyxia, al-ix'-i-a Amaranthus, am-ar-anth'-us Amaryllis, am-ar-il'-lis Amasonia, am-a-son'-i-a Ambrosia, am-broz'-i-a Ambrosinia, am-bro-sin'-i-a Amelanchier, am-el-an'-ki-er Amelias, a-mel'-lus Amerimnum, a-mer-im'-num Amethystia, am-e-this'-ti-a Amherstia, am-herst'-i-a Ammobium, am-mo'-bi-um Amomum, a-mo'-mum Amorpha, a-morf-a Amorphophallus, a-morf-o-fal'-lus Ampelopsis^ am-pel-op's-is Amphicarpaea, am-fi-kar-pe'-a Amphicome, am-fik'-o-me Amphidesmium, am-fi-dez'mi-um Amphilophium, am-fil-6fF-i-um Amygdalus, a-mig'-dal-us Amyris, am'-i-ris Anacampseros, an-a-kamp'-ser-6s Anacardium, an-a-kard'-i-um Anacharis, a-nak'-ar-is Anaectochilus, a-nek-to-kl'-lus Anagallis, an-a-gal'-is Ananas, an-an'-as Anantherix, an-an'-ther-ix ANA ANS Anarrhinum, an-ar-rhi'-num Anastatica, an-as-tat-i-ka Anatherum, an-ath'-er-um Anchieta, an-ki-e'-ta Anchomanes, an-ko-ma'-nez Anchusa, an-ku'-za Ancylogyne, an-si-log'-in-e Andersonia, an-der-so-m-a Andira, an-di ; -ra Androcymbium, an-dro-sim'-bi-um Andromeda, an-drom'-e-da Andropogon, an-dro-po'-gon Androsace, aivdros'-a-se Andryala, an-dri'-al-a Aneilema, an-i-le'-ma Aneimia, an-I'-mi-a Anemia, an-e'-mi-a^ Anemiopsis, an-e-mi-ops'-is Anemone, an-em'-on-ne Anethum, an-eth'-um Angelica, an-jel'-i-ka Angelonia, an-gel-6'-nT-a Angianthus, an-gi^-anth'-us^ Angiopteris, an-gi-op'-ter-is Angr^cum, an-greek'-um Anguillaria, an-gwil-lar'-i-a Anguloa, an-gu-16'-a Anguria, an-gu'-ri-a Ania, a'-m-a Anigosanthus, an-ig-o-san'-thus Anisacan'tha, an-is-a-kanth'-a Anisochilus, an-is-o-ki'-lus Anisodus, an-is'-o-dus Anisomeles, an-is-o-me'-les Anneslea, an-nes-le'-a Anoda, an-6'-da Anodontea, an-o-don'-te-a Anomatheca, an-o-math-e'-ka Anomochloa, an-o-mok-lo'-a Anona, an-o'-na Anopteris, an-op'-ter-is Anotis, an-6'-tis Anredera, an-re-der'-a Ansellia, an-sel'-li-a 5 ANT ARE Antennaria, an-ten-nar'-i-a An'themis, an'-them-is Anthephora, an-thef'-or-a Anthericum, an-ther'-i-kum Antherurus, an-ther-ur'-us Anthistiria, an-this-tir'-i-a Anthocercis, an-tho-ser'-sis Anthocleista, an-tho-klis'-ta A'nthodon, an'-tho-don Antholoma, an-tho-lo'-ma Antholyza, an-tho-li'-za Anthospermum, an-tho-sperm'-um Anthoxanthum, an-thox-anth'-um Anthriscus, an-thris'-kus Anthurium, an-thur'-i-um Anthyllis, an-thil'-lis Antiaris, an-ti-ar'-is Antigonum, an-tig'-o-num Antigramma, an-ti-gram'-ma Antirrhinum, an-tir-rhi'-num Antrophyum, an-trof'-i-um Aotus, a-o'-tus Apargia, a-par'-ji-a Apatiaria, ap-a-tur'-i-a Apeiba, a-pi'-ba Aphananthes, af-an-an'-thez Aphanochilus, af-an-o-ki'-lus Aphelandra, af-el-and'-ra Aphelexis, af-el-ex'-is Apjcra, a-pi ; -kra Apios, a' -pi -os Apium, a'-pi-um Aplectrum, a-plek'-trum Aplotaxis, a-plo-tax'-is Apocynum, ap-os'-i-num Aponogeton, ap-o-no-ge'-ton Aquilaria, ak-wT-lar'-i-a Aquilegia, ak-wi-lej-i-a A'rabis, ar'-a-bis A'rachis, ar'-a-kis Aralia, ar-a'-li-a Araucaria, ar-au-kar'-i-a Arauja, ar-au'-ja Ar'butus, ar'-but-us 6 ARC ARU Archangelica, ark-an-jel'-i-ka Arctium, ark'-ti-um Arctocalyx, ark-to-ka'-lix Arctog'eron, ark-toj'-er-on Arctopus, ark-to'-pus Arctostaphylos, ark-to-staf'-il-bs Arctotheca, ark-tq-the'-ka Arctotis, ark-to'-tis Ardisia, ar-dis'-i-a Arduina, ard-u-i'-na Areca, ar-e'-ka Aremonia, ar-e-mon'-i-a Arenaria, ar-e-nar'-i-a Arenga, ar-en'-ga Arethusa, ar-e-thu'-za Aretia, ar-e'shi-a Argania, ar-ga'-m-a Argemone, ar-gem'-o-ne Argolasia, ar-go-la'-si-a Argyreia, ar-gi-ri'-a Ariopsis, ar-i-op'-sis Aris^ma, ar-is-e'-ma Arisarum, ar-i-sar'-um Aristea, ar-is'-te-a Aristolochia, ar-is-tol-6'-ki-a Aristotelia, ar-is-to-te'-li-a Armenjaca, ar-men-i'-a-ka Armeria, ar-mer'-i-a Arnebia, ar-ne'-bi-a A'rnica, ar'-ni-ka Arnopogon, ar-no-po'-gon Arpophyllum, ar-po-fil'-lum Arracacha, ar-ra-ka'-ka Arrhynchium, ar-rhin'-ki-um Artabotrys, ar-ta-bot'-ris Artanema, ar-ta-ne'-ma Artemisia, ar-te-mis'-I-a Arthrolobium, ar-thro-lo'-bi-um Arthrophyllum, ar-thro-fir-lum Arthropodium, ar-thro-pod'-i-um Arthrostemma, ar-thro-stem'-ma Artocarpus, ar-to-kar'-pus Arum, ar'um Arundina, a-run-di'-na 7 ASA ATH Asagrsfca, as-a-gre'-a A'sarum, as'-ar-um Ascaricida, as'-kar-l-si'-da Asclepias, as-kle'-pi-as A'scyrum, as'-sir-um Asimina, a-sim'-i-na Aspalathus, as-pal'-a-thus Asparagus, as-par'-a-gus Aspasia, as-pa'-si-a Asperugo, as-per-u ; -go Asperula, as-per'-u-la A'sphpdel, as'-fo-del Aspicarpa, as-pi-kar'-pa Aspidistra, as-pi-dis'-tra Aspidium, as-pid'-i-um Asplenium, as-ple'-ni-um Assonia, as-so'-ni-a Astartea, as-tar-te'-a Astelia, as-te'-ll-a Astelma, as-tel'-ma Astephanus, as-tef'-an-us Aster, as'-ter Astercantha, as-ter-kanth'-a Asterocephalus, as-ter-6-sef-al-us Astilbe, as-til'-be Astragalus, as-trag'-al-us Astranthus, as-tranth'-us Astrantia, as-tran'-shi-a Astrapa^a, as-tra-pe'-a Astrocaryum, as-tro-kar'-i-um Astrolobium, as-tro-lo'-bi-um Astroloma, as-tro-lo'-ma Astrotriche, as-trot'-ri-ke Astyria, as-tir'-i-a Asytasia, as-I-ta'-si-a Ataccia, a-tak'-si-a Atalantia, at-a-lan'-shi-a Atelandra, at-e-land'-ra Athamanta, ath-a-man'-ta Athanasia, ath-an-a'-si-a Atheropogon, ath-er-o-po'-gon Atherosperma, ath-er-o-sper'-ma Athrixia, a-thnx'-i-a Athyrium, a-thir'-i-um $ ATR BAR Atragene, a-trag'-en-e Atraphaxis, a-tra-fax'-is Atropa, at'-ro-pa Attalea, at-ta'-le-a Aubrietia, o-bre'-shi-a Aucuba, au'-ku-ba Audibertia, au-di-ber'-shi-a Audouinia, au-dou-in'-i-a Aulax, au'-lax Avena, a-ve'-na Averrhoa, av-er-rho'-a Ayenia, a-ye'-m-a Azalea, a-za'-le-a Babiana, bab-i-a'-na Babingtonia, bab-ing-to'-ni-a Bacazia, bak-a'-zl-a Baccharis, bak'-kar-is Backhousia, bak-hou'-si-a Bactris, bak'-tris Bseckia, bek'-i-a Bahia, bah'-i-a Balanites, bal-an-i'-tez Balantium, bal-an'-ti-um Balbisia, bal-bis'-i-a Ballota, ^ bal-lp'-ta Balsamma, bal-sam-r-na Balsamita, bal-sam-i'-ta Balsamodendron, bal-sarn-o-den'-dron Bambusa, bam-bu'-za Banisteria, ban-is-ter'-i-a, Banksia, bank'-si-a Baptisia, bap-tis'-T-a Barbacenia, bar-ba-se'-ni-a Barbarea, bar-bar'-e-a Barbiera, bar-bT-er'-a Barkeria, bark-e'-ri-a Barkhausia, bark-hau'-zi-a Barleria, bar-ler'-i-a Barnardesia, bar-na-de'-si-a Barnardia, bar-nar'-di-a Barringtonia, bar-ring-to'-m-a Bartholina, bar-tho-H'-na Bartonia, bar-to'-m-a Bartramia, bar-tra'-mi-a BAH BIG Bartsia, bart'-si-a Baryosma, bar'-i-oz'-ma Basella, ba-sel'-la Basil, baz'-il Bassia, bas'-si-a Batatas, ba-ta'-tas Batemannia, bat-man'-ni-a Batschia, bat'-schi-a Bauera, bdw'-er-a.

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