Proof of Heaven

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Staying on the other side was a different story. Although Sean vowed he would never drink again and would start attending meetings, he quickly realized it was more than he could handle on his own. On the evening he met his sister, Colm, and Dr. Basu at the airport, he looked like hell. He was sober, Cathleen could tell, but he smelled like the inside of a Starbucks that had caught on fire.
“Geez, Sean,” Cathleen said, hugging him. “Kentucky and Colombia called; they want their tobacco and coffee
... back.”
“I know. I went back to the smokes today.”
Dr. Basu frowned.
“Don’t give me that look, Doc. I picked a new poison is all. This one won’t get me fired. And I can drive while doin’ it.” He winked back. “Let me help you with those bags,” said Sean as he grabbed them out of his sister’s and the doctor’s hands.
“Thank you,” Dr. Basu said. Sean knew, though, he wasn’t thanking him for carrying the bags. It was a different thank-you altogether.
“You’re welcome,”

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