Proposed Charter for the City of St Louis

Cover Proposed Charter for the City of St Louis
Proposed Charter for the City of St Louis
Saint Louis Mo
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What reading level is Proposed Charter for the City of St Louis book?
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Sec. 13. The said Board shall meet on or before the third Monday in March, annually, and remain in continuous session for at least three hours in the forenoon and at least three hours in the afternoon of each day, except Sunday, for four weeks and no longer. It shall have power to subpoena witnesses and order the production of books and papers, and any member may ad- minister oaths, in relation to any matter within its jurisdic- tion. It shall hear and determine all appeals summarily, and keep
...a record of . Its proceedings which shall remain in the as- sessment division.
Sec. 14. Any person may appeal in writing to the Board of Equalization from the assessment of his property, specifying the matter of which he complains.
Sec. 15. After the assessment books have been corrected the Assessor shall make an abstract thereof showing the amount of the several kinds of property assessed and specifying the amount of value of all taxable property within the City, and certify thereon that the same is a true and correct abstract of all such property in the City so far as he lias been able to ascertain.

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Proposed Charter for the City of St Louis
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