Publications, Issue 133, volume 1

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Publications, Issue 133, volume 1
Presbyterian Church in the U.S.a. Board of Publication
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When he entered, Bonner accosted him, *< Master doctor, I would you would remember yourself, and turn to your mother, holy church ; so you may do well enough, and I will sue for your pardon." To this he replied, " I would you and your fellows would turn to Christ. As for me, I will not turn to antichrist." '* Well," said the bishop» ^* I am come to degrade you ; wherefore put on these vest- ments." " No, I will not," answered he, ••Wilt thou not?" said the bishop, *' I shall make thee, ere I go." " You shall not, by the grace of God," answered the dauntless Protes* tant. Bonner then charged him by his obedience to do it, but he paid no attention to the command. At last, by force, they put^he trippings of the Romish priesthood upon Um; Digitized byCjOOQlC ROWLAKD TATIOR. 905 and then, being perfectly robed, be placed his handa in bis sideSf and strutted up and down, exclaimkig, *< How say you, my lord, am not I a goodly fool? How say you, my masters 1 If I were in Cheap, should I not have boys enow to laugh at these apish toys, and toying trumpery?^* The bishop then scraped his fingers and thumbs, notched his hair, and completed the rest of the childish observances; so that nothing remained but to strike him on the breast with the crosier, a deed so savagely performed by Bonner, that in ode instance tt had nearly killed the victim.

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