Punishing His Ward

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The book Punishing His Ward was written by author Here you can read free online of Punishing His Ward book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Punishing His Ward a good or bad book?
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 At first he'd been enjoying Eleanor's tentative explorations, frustrating though they were.
 He'd been able to feel her hesitations, her delight, and so he'd persevered and relaxed enough to lose himself in the sensation.  After all, the whole point of removing them from London had been to take the time to reconnect and woo his wife, prove that he wasn't taking her for granted.  Allowing her to take the lead, to blindfold him no less, was part of that.
  He'd been enjoying her ministrations so
...much that when her hot mouth first clamped around the head of his cock, all rational thought had flown from his brain.  Only the slightest vestiges of good intentions had kept his fingers wrapped around the rail of the headboard, rather than flying down to press her mouth more firmly on him.  Then she'd sucked, her tongue flicking against him, her mouth sliding further down his cock and back up, and he'd had the sudden, horrifying realization that Eleanor had quite a bit of knowledge that she shouldn't.

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