Religion And Common Sense

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Religion And Common Sense
Donald William Alers Hankey
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v. 32), vii. 6 (Matt xv.
6), ix. 32 (Matt xxi. 42), x. 4 (Matt V. 11), X. 9 (Matt X. 32), xi. 8 (Matt xiii. 14), xii. 14 ff. (Matt v.
43 fF.), xiiL 7 (Matt xxii. 21), xiv. 9 (Matt xxii. 32), xiv. 10 (Matt vii.
1-5), xiv. 12 (Matt xii. 36), xiv. 13 (Matt xviii. 6), xiv. 17 (Matt vii.
21), xiv. 20 ( Matt X V. 1 1 ) . All these breathe the spirit of the Gospels, and often reproduce the actual words.
They form sufficient answer to the statement as to the Pauline author- ship of the Epistles, which many other statements are as untrue as they are dogmatic.
Summary. — ^Therefore the criti- cism of the Gospels, far from destroy- ing their value, merely makes them more intelligible and more elastic.
They were compiled from documents which undoubtedly give us a true pic- 30 Digitized by Google Value of the New Testament ture of Jesus and His teaching, while on the other hand they were reduced to their present form at a sufficient time after the events recorded for us to be able to use them intelligently and not slavishly.

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