Report of Infantile Paralysis in the State of Washington During 1910

Cover Report of Infantile Paralysis in the State of Washington During 1910
Report of Infantile Paralysis in the State of Washington During 1910
Washington State State Board of Health
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S developed. In between these two positive cases there was sick- ness amontj; the children of both the other families.
Studies in Infantile Paralysis 27 Albert S. , 11/^ years, family "C, " taken ill two weeks after onset of positive case in family "A, " with nausea, constipation, fever, headache, lasting two days. One week later relapse, same symptoms followed by weakness of legs for one week. Slight tenderness of back. Reflexes not tested. Perfect re- covery.
In family "D, " three of the chil
...dren exhibited similar symp- toms, being taken sick at about six days in between each one. The note on the first taken ill is typical of the others also.
Valborg S. , family "S, " 5 years, taken sick same day as first child of family "C, " very close neighbors. Initial s3'^mptoms, vomiting, headache, diarrhea and fever. In bed two days. One week later return of headache and fever with constipation. In bed three days. When she got up had lost control of legs. Con- dition persisted for three days, then entirely cleared up.

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Report of Infantile Paralysis in the State of Washington During 1910
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