Report On the Vital Statistics of the United States Made to the Mutual Life Ins

Cover Report On the Vital Statistics of the United States Made to the Mutual Life Ins
Report On the Vital Statistics of the United States Made to the Mutual Life Ins
Wynne, James, 1814-1871
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The prevailing type of disease is dependant as much, and perhaps more, on the predominant rock of the country, than upon any other cause. Climate, temperature, hygrometic condition of the atmosphere, and prevailing winds, may have much to do in influencing the general peculiarities of maladies in particular localities ; but all these agents combined are incompetent to generate the cause which frequently dwelfs in the rocky formation. Where the sub stratum is composed of clay-slate the country i...s level, and the soil is in an especial degree retentive of moisture, and consequently ponds and marshes abound, and intermittent fever prevails. A limestone formation, especially of a friable species, is characterized by a luxuriant vegetation, a picturesque landscape, and a high grade of autumnal fever. In the region of sandstones the surface is hilly, and frequently mountainous, arid, and less productive, the streams are pure and rapid, and stagnant water is unknown. This is the region characterized above all others for eminent salubrity.

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