Report volume 190810 191819

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Report volume 190810 191819
Ill Library Northwestern University Evanston
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As noted in my previous annual report, Miss Keith had been appointed as our head cataloger, and she has begun a thorough revision of our catalog which was gradually falling into a state of disorder and was therefore in danger of becoming useless for our purposes and the purposes of the users of the Library. There is still much to be done in regard to the catalog, and we are still in much need of additional help to make up for deficiencies in past years. As pointed out on several pre- vious occa...sions, our classical collections had not been classified at all. This work has been finally begun, but as we can only give the part time of one of the catalogers to this work it pro- gresses very slowly indeed. As a result also of the much needed general revision which is being undertaken under Miss Keith's direction, the routine work of cataloging is falling somewhat behind. Miss Keith herself has made a report to me upon the situation from which I shall quote below.
LIBRARIANS REPORT 5 MANUSCRIPTS Last year I noted the fact that for the first time in the history of the Library we had received some valuable manuscripts.

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