Riding West

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The leaves in the cottonwoods rustled faintly in a hushed and subtle whisper of sound. Stepping out onto the wide front porch, Celia Evans shaded her eyes with one hand and saw the small plume of rising dust with a touch of curiosity.The rider coming up the long lane toward the ranch had his horse at a full gallop, she saw that much, and suddenly she wished her father and brothers hadn‘t just left for town to purchase supplies. The ranch hands too, she realized with a small tremor of trepidation..., were all out repairing fences or searching for missing cattle.“Who is it?” Rose, her older sister, came outside to join her, gazing at the approaching horseman with interest. “He‘s moving right along.”“I can‘t tell from here.” As she spoke, Celia registered the long-legged, signature gait of the black horse before she could recognize its rider. “I think it might be Parker. There can‘t be two horses like that in Colorado. Surely that‘s Diablo—look at him move.”Next to her, pretty in a simple gingham gown suitable for the hour and heat, Rose murmured, “He‘s coming fast, I‘ll grant that.

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