Robert Owen, And His Social Philosophy

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Robert Owen, And His Social Philosophy
Sargant, William Lucas, 1809-1889
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What reading level is Robert Owen, And His Social Philosophy book?
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I may add that I have seen an attempt made to adopt Owen's notion of educating • Owen's Jommal, ir. 191.
Digitized by Google STATE OF NEW LANABK IN 1833. 215 without the use of emulation^ of rewards^ or of punishr ments : and with this result ; that the boys were amiable and good enough^ but very deficient in knowledge^ and wanting in the power of close and continued application to dry and distasteAil topics: a power which is the great characteristic of a highly-trained mind.
I mentioned in my
...last chapter^ that Owen postponed his retirem^it, until Mr. Walker could be fitted to take his place. I have met with a short account of the state of New Lanark under that gentleman's management in 1833. It appeared originally* in the Glasgow Free Press. At this time there was still a constant stream of visitors to see the celebrated village. The writer says, that though there had been a diminution of what may be called the ornamental parts of education, as com- pared with the time when Owen was paramount, yet singing, and even dancing, were still regularly taught ; and that the girls enjoyed that pre-eminence of bloom and beauty which my Irish authority assigned to them, eleven years earlier.

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