Rules And Regulations.

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m. in vacation.
Books may be drawn by all officers and students of the Uni- versity and Theological Seminary, and by others having special permission. The number of books which may be taken is lim- ited to three in the case of students, with the exception of 17 Seniors, wlio may take five. Officers, Fellows, and Graduate students may take any reasonable number. Books may be kept by undergraduates for two weeks, by Fellows and Graduate students for four weeks, and by Officers for any reasonable
All books may be renewed when due, unless wanted by some one else.
Fines are charged at the rate of two cents a day on all books kept over time. If an overdue book is wanted at the Library for any reason, it may be sent for, and a charge of ten cents for messenger made. Postal cards are sent to remind of books over- due only when the books are wanted by others. No books can be.
drawn, nor will any recommendation for a degree be made while there are unpaid fines.
1. All secret societies, except those publicly sanctioned by the authorities of the University, are strictly prohibited.

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