Russian Central Asia

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Russian Central Asia
Lansdell, Henry, 1841-1919
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SHtchwort Village Osotschicha 165.
„ glauca, et vars.
Do, B River Kurmenty . May, 6-6, 500' 166.
Cerastimn pilosum Mouse-ear Zarevno-Alexandrovsk „ trigynum, et vars. .
Do, ^^CMtn. Passes .May, 7-900' 167.
„ raaximum, /3 falcatum .
A River Lepsa .
„ lithospermum var.
Do, B River Turguen 8 to ^ ^(? River Karkara.
9,000' 169.
„ dahuncum Do, 170.
„ vulgatum, /3 glandulosum Do, Marka.Kul . .May 171.
,, alpinum var.
Do, C River Karkara . 5,500-6,500' 172.
,, inflatum Do, B River Almaty 6,
...000' 173.
,j arvense var. .
Do, A Kopal Chain XII.— LINEAE I (5), Flax Family, 174.
Linum perenne ....
Flax 1 B River Almaty 7,500 XIII.— MALVACEAE 5 (8), MaUirw Family, 175- Lavatera thuringiaca Althaea offidnaBs . . . . il Tree Mallow B Viemy . . . June, B Near Viemy 3,000' 176.
farsh Mallow 3»ooo' „ „ /3 pallida .
Do, Town Kokpekty . June 177.
„ nudiflora ....
Do, B Viemy. . .
3*000' 178.
Malva borealb ....
MalUnv B Viemy.
3»ooo' XIV.— HYPERICENEAE iin\st.: yoAn's IVort Family.

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