Scripture Doctrine of a Call to the Work of the Gospel Ministry

Cover Scripture Doctrine of a Call to the Work of the Gospel Ministry
Scripture Doctrine of a Call to the Work of the Gospel Ministry
William S William Swan Plumer
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4 — 6.
Judging from what you can learn of the will of God, honestly, humbly, and earnestly inquired into, can you " trust" that God will " make you an able minister of the New Testament ?" If you can, " hold fast your confi- dence, which hath great recompense of reward." If you have never sought the will of God in the right manner, an expectation of support can be but presumption ; and the absence of it may only prove your guilt.
Another idea which it may be important distinctly to present, is,
... that we put a high estimate on the office itself., and on its appropriate pleasures, and consolations, and work. This subject has already been alluded to, but it deserves greater prominence in this discussion than it now possesses. He is not fit to be in the Ministry, who cannot find in the discharge of its peculiar duties a satis- 34 CALL TO THE WORK faction which he could not find in any other employ- ment. Were you qualified, could it, would it be your meat and drink to do the work assigned you as a minis- ter of the word of God ?

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Scripture Doctrine of a Call to the Work of the Gospel Ministry
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