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forgive them, for they know not what they do. "+ Ah ! chrif- tians ! what an example to us whofe fins were obliterated by that a6l ! It is calculate ed to touch the deepeft fp rings of the foul. Can we hear his gracious voice and not ex- tinguifh every hateful and malignant paffion which prid^ has enkindled in the lieart ? Can IOC be the fubje6ls of divine forgivenefs, * Rom. V. 8. T Luke xxiii. 34.
264 The For giucicfs of Injuries.
and fliall we not be willing alfo to forgive? ** Let' therefor
...e, all bitterncfs, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil-fpeaking be put away from you, with all m. Alice. — And be ye kind one to another, tender hearted, forgiving one another, even as God, for Chriii's fake hath forgiven you. "f The reafonablenefs of this duty will be- come ftill more apparent from confidering the infufficient grounds of thofe averfions and refentments that moll frequently dif- turb the harmony of fociety — they are con- tradictions to our opinions — oifences to our pride — oppohtion to our pleafures or inter- efts — injuflice to our charader and reputa- tion.

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