Shameful Celia (The Mail Order Brides of Boot Creek book 3)

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I felt oddly happy, almost exuberant, cheerfully shopping for the things I needed to make several meals. Not knowing what staples Pastor Kinsley already had, I bought coffee, sugar, rice, and beans, along with some meat for tonight’s meal. I craved chicken dumplings, remembering how my mother used to make it, all thickened and bubbly in sauce. The meal would require a great deal of work, and I hurried to finish the chore, wanting to have everything ready before Nick returned from church.
...I stood before his door with the packages in my hand, I realized he had not given me the key. I lifted the doormat, looking for it, but it was not there. Rising onto my toes, I felt along the frame, displacing a fair amount of dust in the process. The key sat towards the end, and I snatched it triumphantly. Entering his abode, it struck me how clean and tidy the space was; the bookshelves held neatly arranged volumes, and a stack of newspapers were in a basket. A small table and two chairs stood in the corner of the kitchen that remained open to the rest of the room.

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Shameful Celia (The Mail Order Brides of Boot Creek book 3)
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