Slade (2013)

Cover Slade
Bianca D'arc
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Not only were they late, but each of the shapeshifters she passed seemed to sniff her a little longer than usual. The response after that initial sniff varied, but usually involved either a wide-eyed look or a wink, then a quick glance at Slade, who remained at her side throughout. A few nods would pass between the men and then they’d move on.
    Something was definitely being communicated, and Kate had a sinking feeling she knew what it was. Somehow, the were noses seemed to be able to tell th
...ey’d spent most of the night and a good chunk of the morning, fucking like bunnies. She’d taken a shower. Two showers. But apparently the soap and water hadn’t done much to remove his scent from her skin. She wondered if they could smell Steve on her too and what they must think of that.
    Blushing, she took a seat next to Slade. He didn’t seem in a mood to let her stray too far from his side. While that might annoy her at any other time, she was still feeling rosy and warm from the night—and adventurous morning—they’d spent together.

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