Some Account of the Life And Religious Experience of Mary Alexander, Late of Needham Market

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The book Some Account of the Life And Religious Experience of Mary Alexander, Late of Needham Market was written by author Here you can read free online of Some Account of the Life And Religious Experience of Mary Alexander, Late of Needham Market book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Some Account of the Life And Religious Experience of Mary Alexander, Late of Needham Market a good or bad book?
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After this we again moved on towards Wales^ and for a few days pretty satisfactorily ; till my sister's mind became so closely arrested for the; approaching yearly meeting to be held in Lon- don, that it seemed safest to turn about, and endeavour to get there as early as we could, with taking meetings in our way.* We arrived iu * To be thus led about, and so frequently turned from the object at which they were aiming, as was, on several occasions, their experience in this journey, proved no sma
...ll trial to my beloved sister; yet, I have reason to believe, this humiliating dispensation, was peculiarly and lastiiagly F 3 b4 SOME ACCOUNT O^ London two days after the commencement of the yearly meeting ; but I did not feel my mind at all bound to it, and still found my health, at times, much affected, therefore, after staying one day in London, I returned home, where I passed about 10 days in peace, and found my kealth much recruited.
On second day, the 5th of sixth month, I left home again and went to Colchester, where I met my brother William, who had parted with sister Ann that morning, at or near London, and was then on his way home.

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