Some Account of the Life Religious Experience of Mary Alexander Late of Needh

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Some Account of the Life Religious Experience of Mary Alexander Late of Needh
William Alexander
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Very soon after these engagements, my mind had to experience much inward want, indeed to pass through a season of deep conflict, and of sore exercise ; wherein it seemed to me as though my soul's enemy was let loose, with an unlimited power to buffet me at his will. Never had I known my faith and confidence in Infinite Goodness so nearly overcome before. Almost continually, for several v. 'eeks, was my mind in a state comparable to being *' Tossed with tempest, and not comforted, "* and left wi
...thout one grain of lively hope, which might have been as an anchor to the soul. Some of mv near connections were sensible that my situation was a trying one, yet none knew how bitter was the anguish I felt, but He who knows all things. My health became impaired, and, at times, I was ready * Isaiah liv. 11. E 2 50 SOME ACCOUNT OF to conclude I should sink away under the exercise I felt; though without any degree of cheering hope that my sufferings would end with my natural life. Could I have once believed this, oh !

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Some Account of the Life Religious Experience of Mary Alexander Late of Needh
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