Supplement to the Doolittle Family in America volume 1

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Supplement to the Doolittle Family in America volume 1
William Frederick Doolittle
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James Purvis b June 4, 1935; novj a major in the UoSoAir Force, stationed in Japan 1970; Nava Jo Rey- nolds Aug. 1958, a. Audrey Mae b Dec. 3, 1959 in England bo Roy Theodore b Oct. 1961 " " Discard the old insert and use this instead.
PAGE 1201-3. B. (i) Charles Herbert III is nor; Dr. Charles HoDoolittle at PvobertUilliam Hospital, Prov- idence, R. Io has 2nd ch. Tracy Ann b 6 Oct. 1967. (ii) Halter Moody is no\7 Dr. Ualter at Madigan Gen- eral Hospital, Tacoma, vJash; ; has 3rd ch. Shannon b
... Mar. 28, 1970. (iii) Jonmes Robert b 23 Mar. 1944; m Nov. 11, 1970 Janet Ann Miynihan'' ; had dau b 11 Aug. 1971, Res S. Had ley, Mass.
ppggc 1218-iio Lyman Leroy, s of ■:'r3221 Lyman, b c 1884 in Conn. ; m Sarah Barrett, according to son Thomas; Lyman, Sr. Alsomarried a Sarah Barrett. LoFred Leroy b June 26, 1910 at Mansfield, Mass. M 1934 at Foxboro, Mass Thelma Thomas, dau of Harry and Ella (Smith)Thomas.
a. Thomas Fred b ^Jhite Plains, N. Yo July 5, 1941, m Sept. 19, 1964 Virginia Petrin.

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