Sweeter Than Wine

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The book Sweeter Than Wine was written by author Here you can read free online of Sweeter Than Wine book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Sweeter Than Wine a good or bad book?
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The man was almost as still as the night. He had that creepy Special Forces way about him⎯like Hastings, and Matt’s older brothers. It was odd to encounter in a person who wasn’t supernatural at all. Not that Matt didn’t like human folk. From time to time, Redstone Construction employed some of his brothers’ former comrades-in-arms. They were invariably good workers with strong ethics. The few who were close enough to his brothers to get a job with the company knew about the were, and their inte...grity was unquestioned. They wouldn’t go blabbing to anyone about were creatures anytime soon, though were, in general, weren’t as obsessive about secrecy as vamps. For one thing, there were a lot of highly placed were in positions where they could be helpful in covering up any indiscretions. For another, were could pass for human with few exceptions. Unless blood tests were involved—and those could be gotten around in many ways—folks who claimed their neighbors were were wolves ranked right up there on the credibility scale with alien abductees and UFO nuts.

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