Thames And Tweed

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Thames And Tweed
George Rooper
The book Thames And Tweed was written by author Here you can read free online of Thames And Tweed book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is Thames And Tweed a good or bad book?
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" Come, let us go forth, " says my host after breakfast, " and see which of God's creatures we can slay !" Rabbit-shooting, sea-fishing, seal-shooting, flap- per-hunting, grouse-shooting, even goat-stalking (for there is a wild breed of goats which inhabit those mountains, active as chamois, and difficult to approach as red-deer), were in vain suggested and in turn rejected. In the end I had my way, and, like " the swans on sweet St Mary's lake/' we floated double on the surface of ours, "boat ...and shadow/' With a light, springy rod, a fine line, and a London-made bottom scarce thicker than a hair, I commenced fishing, and, to the surprise of my companions, shortly rose and hooked a good fish. There were better fishermen than myself in the boat, but their tackle was comparatively coarse, and I think that I am within the mark when I say that I caught two fish to their one. In the course of the day we killed full thirty white trout, and the merits of fine fishing have ever since been recognised in those pleasant quarters.

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