The Arts Connected With Building

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The book The Arts Connected With Building was written by author Here you can read free online of The Arts Connected With Building book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is The Arts Connected With Building a good or bad book?
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The life of animals might be made a source of stimulating joy to our own lives. We all feel a sense of pleasure when the wild birds sing, and the idea of their lovemaking and aspiring and growing more good and useful every day is delightful, and ought to be recorded in our everyday articles of use, as well as in our natural history books.
What is it that makes us all delight in Shakespeare's work? Is it not his own spiritual delight in spiritual ideas : in, in thoughts and feelings, rather than in things?
You shall perch four eagles on my bedposts to drive away bad spirits, as the Byzantines believed, and rest my fire-irons on the backs of brass cats, not dogs, for cats are the most faithful fireside dwellers. On my table let there be fruit and flowers and one or two symbolic animals, and let the foods be handed round. A boiled potato is not inspiring, however well it may be served ; and, moreover, the momentary glance at food is more appetising, therefore it is better on a side table.

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