The Awakening: a Witch-Vampire Romance: Feel the Heat.

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What reading level is The Awakening: a Witch-Vampire Romance: Feel the Heat. book?
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      We stop at my uncle’s house for me to pack up what stuff I have before we hit the road. I’ll be calling my uncle Dan later on to tell him that I am heading up north to take a look the boarding school I will be attending.
    Another lie.
    Jaxx has been silent since we left his house. My teasing him with sexy panties while I was packing didn’t even get a rise out of him.
    “Jaxx, seriously, I’m tired of the damn silent treatment. Either spit out whatever is bothering you or turn around
... and take us all home,” I snap at him, finally at the end of my rope.
    He huffs a breath and turns toward me as he drives.
    “There’s nothing wrong, Ella. You are imagining things,” his voice is laced with exasperation.
    “Oh fuck! You did not just go there,” Gavin yells from the backseat, chuckling.
    “I have tried to coax it out of you by being sweet.

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The Awakening: a Witch-Vampire Romance: Feel the Heat.
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