The Banditti of the Prairies

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Something must be done to check the ravages of this gang, and I for one had rather lose my life, in striving to protect the innocent and defence less, than be slaughtered in cold blood like some of my neighbors. " " I assure you, sir, that I sincerely hope your efforts will prove successful. " Reaching Springfield, I found that requisitions were not prepared to the governors of all the States, I wished, and as there was great uncertainty as to where the murderers might be found, I obtained blan...k requisitions with Governor Ford's signature, under the seal of the State of Illinois, with power to fill the blanks with the name of any State in which I might wish to use them.
I was uncertain what course to take ; but finally started for Terre Haute, and Indianapolis, Indiana. I reached Terre Haute on the ist of September; feeling satisfied that I had missed the track, but not discouraged, as my former success in extracting information from members of the gang led me to feel certain of soon regaining the proper line of pursuit.

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