The Bride Sale (2007)

Cover The Bride Sale
The Bride Sale
Candice Hern
The book The Bride Sale was written by author Here you can read free online of The Bride Sale book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is The Bride Sale a good or bad book?
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What reading level is The Bride Sale book?
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He had never felt so stupid in all his life. He had just bought and paid for a young woman. Now, what the devil was he supposed to do with her?
What had possessed him to do such a rash, impulsive thing? He should have known better. He ought to have stayed out of it, walked away from the market square without a second thought. God knows, he had no business bringing a young woman into his home. Not after all that had happened. And yet he had signed a paper accepting full responsibility for her. Ho
...w could he have done such a damned fool thing?
And how was he to explain her to his household? He couldn’t exactly trot her out like a new race horse, or deposit her in Mrs. Tregelly’s care as though she were a new kitchen maid. Blast it all, he wished she were in fact some scruffy bit of baggage that could be dumped in the scullery and forgot about. But it had been obvious that she was of his own class, gentry at the very least. She had to be dealt with. Somehow.
And there was Agnes to consider.

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