The Choise of Valentines

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What reading level is The Choise of Valentines book?
To quickly assess the difficulty of the text, read a short excerpt:

111 _bare_, beares; _bending_, riseing; _an_, a.
112 _a fountaine dwelleth still_, the(r) runnes a fountayne still.
113 _his_, her; _uglie bryers_, rugged briers.
114 _duskie_, duskye; _wyres_, wires.
115 _loftie_, lusty; _veines_, vaines.
116 _comelie_, comely; _distreines_, restraines. "Distreines, " toseize, to touch.
117 _wanton_, harmles; _harmlesse stype_, wanton gripe.
118 _fruites of loue oftsoone_, fruite thereof too soone 119 _And_, A; _too tymelie_, to tymely; _the stemme_, his sprin
120 _To dye ere it hath seene Jerusalem_, it is, dyes ere it canenioye the vsed thinge.
121 _Gods_, Godes; _euer anie_, ever any; _so_, soe.
122 _So suddenlie_, soe suddenly; _awaie_, awaye.
123 _Hir_, Her; _are spread and I am all unarm'd_, and legges and allwere spredd, But I was all vnarmed.
124 _Lyke_, like; _with_, that; _charm'd_, charmd.
125 Omitted in Rawl. MS.
126 _spend their_, spent there; _hir_, your.
128 _It_, Yt; _beawtie cann_, beauty can.
129 _clap_, clipp; _I feele, I view_, I wincke, I feele.

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