The Dark Affair

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The stairs were rotting shards of wood and twisted nails sticking half up like some devil’s daisy heads waiting to be plucked. In the black, fog-drenched London night, she went ever so slowly. She’d no desire to miss a step, plunge to the rotten ground, and die of a broken neck on the edges of a slum.
    If she was entirely honest with herself, it was her heart that made her heavy and slow as a granny as she ascended. Matthew. Matthew’d left Ireland, the land he loved with every fiber of his he and soul, to come to London. There could be only one meaning in such a thing.
    A price was out on his head.
    Pressing her lips together lest she lash out at him for putting himself into such danger, she reached into her reticule and pulled out her small iron key. As she fumbled to shove it into the lock and push open her door, her breath blossomed in white puffs before her face. Without moonlight or any sort of gas lamp in this part of town, she used the tips of her numb fingers to find the latch, and at last, she pushed the key home and tumbled the lock.

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