The Early Years of His Royal Highness the Prince Consort

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" Visits, parades, rides, dejeuners, dinners, " suppers, balls, and concerts follow each other " in rapid succession, and we have not been " allowed to miss any of the festivities. " At the beginning of July the young Princes went to Gotha for their grandmother's birth- day, and she writes on the I2th, when they had again left her, to express the pleasure it had given her to have " the dear children with her " on her birth-day. " After describing the manner in which it had been kept, she adds "... I would " willingly have kept them longer with me, but "good Florschutz said it was not good that " their studies should be longer interrupted, " particularly as they were to have a new " master to-morrow. I submitted, and must "again assure, you how very much I was " pleased with the dear young people. May " God protect them ! " 124 LETTERS TO DR. SEEBODE. [1835 Early in 1836 we find the Prince corre- sponding from Gotha, where the brothers were again residing, with Dr. Seebode, Director of the Gymnasium (High School) at Coburg ; and his letters give us a pleasing insight into the literary nature of his pursuits, and the philo- sophical and inquiring turn of his mind, even at this early period of his life, for he was not yet seventeen years old.

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The Early Years of His Royal Highness the Prince Consort
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