The Ethical And Religious Value of the Novel

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The Ethical And Religious Value of the Novel
Ramsden Balmforth
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But the greatest sufferer daring all this 48 OF THE NOVEL time was the Rev. Arthur Dimmesdale. Sunday after Sunday he had to ascend the pulpit and preach the pure word of the Gospel, urging his flock to live the Christian life and to put all sin away from them, when he, the preacher himself, had given way to the gravest of sins — and whose whole life was now tainted with the deep sin of hypocrisy, of pretending to be that which he was not. Is it any wonder that so sjiiritual and sensi- tive a n
...ature should suffer, and his health give way under the strain? His spiritual power — indeed, his eloquence, his vivid de- scriptions of the pollution and the horror of sin, his hungering, yearning aspirations for the heavenly life, his tender sympathy, like that of Christ, for the sinful among men — all this seemed to increase, and his congre- gation, young and old alike, regarded him as a miracle of holiness, whose enfeebled emaciated frame was already preparing to set free the soul for its flight to the courts of heaven.

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