The Falcon And the Flower (1989)

Cover The Falcon And the Flower
The Falcon And the Flower
Henley, Virginia
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After three hours he was forced to slow his breakneck speed for fear of breaking his stallion’s legs in the slippery, oozing mud its hooves churned up. There was no point in changing to dry clothes for he was already soaked to the skin, and would be again in a matter of minutes. He did not carefully reason out the route to take, he more or less went by instinct and left it to Fate, always keeping in a northeasterly direction. He knew Northampton was just short of the halfway mark and he need not... pick his route too carefully until he was past that point. Then he would have a difficult decision to make, but for now he put it off as long as he could.
The de Burghs decided to ride as far as King’s Lynn then head southwest to Peterborough. The weather was foul enough to make any God-fearing man stay home by his hearth, but Falcon de Burgh pressed on, oblivious to the elements. At King’s Lynn the bridge across the River Ouse had been washed away. The great river was swollen and angry from the torrential downpours of the last few days and it had flooded its banks.

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