The Finding of the book And Other Poems

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These observa- tions only apply to one aspect of the psalm — the poetical. The sacred must be marked by the ecclesiastical rhyme, or by an archaic and majestic prose.
148 'I ' II I JPsalm [jcbtii ii Chant ye to God ! Sing psalms of praise to His name ! The awful Rider extol ye, Who rides on the raven-black clouds, By His changeless immutable Name Of Jah — and exult ye before Him. — A Father of orphans bereaved ; A Judge that gives sentence of good To the silent life of the widow, Is God in His
...holy abode. — God maketh the lonely ones To sit in a home of their own ; He bringeth the fetter'd ones forth, To places happy and free : Only the rebels must dwell In a land blanched white by the sun.
in God ! when Thou wentest forth before Thy people, Proceeding on Thy stately march Across the desert steppes, Trembled the earth and quaked : *- 149 * * Scriptural anTi Dcbotional Yea — the heavens dropped before the Face of God, —This Sinai's self before the Face of God, The God of Israel.

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