The French Kiss

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But he was a lousy judge of human psychology—mine to begin with—and he couldn’t resist shooting his mouth off.
He started in on Al Dove. Dove, he called him. Dove had him choked up to the windpipe, he wanted Dove in the worst way. Dove, he said, had crossed the Organization for the last time. The Organization had decided to write him off.
“Where is he, Cage?” said Johnny Vee.
“I don’t know.”
He chuckled, a hard rattlely sound.
“At least that’s an improvement on your subway story,” he said.
... subway story?”
“The one you told the French Law. That he was locked in the Paris subway. Maybe you can get away with that cockamamie bullshit on the French Law. I want the truth.”
There, if you see what I mean. A small disclosure maybe, but the only people I’d told about the métro were Police Judiciaire. The Police Judiciaire at least knew that it wasn’t cockamamie bullshit. But maybe what the Police Judiciaire knew and what they were letting on these days to their brothers in the other branches were two different things.

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