The Heroes of the Last Lustre. a Poem ..

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What reading level is The Heroes of the Last Lustre. a Poem .. book?
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How shall I speak thy praise, O saintly man.
Soldier of Christ, fall'n fighting in the van !
The Cross in hand, where'er Death's shadow fell Tliy soothing tones the darkness would dispel ; The sick aroused to hear thy cheering voice.
And dying faces shone with new-learned joys ; Tlie weak were strengthened by thy joyous tone.
The strong man wept, and then went stronger on.
Thy priestly robes waved o'er the coffined dead.
Thy snow-white vestments shone by dying bed.
.... 109 To bless their rest, or cheer the mourner's heart, Or bid the soul in joyful hope depart.
But there was discord in one angel song — One face was wanting in the heavenly throng — Too pure for earth where he was lent, not given, Lamented Chisholm sought his home in Heaven.
O Whirlwind, holding awful revelry.
Spare from thy deathful blast that noble tree !
O Fire, whose footstep is a blackened path, Spare but one blossom from thy burning wrath !
Yain, vain — the blow has fallen — our hopes are fled — And Jackson's name is numbered with the dead !

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The Heroes of the Last Lustre. a Poem ..
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