The History of Peter the Great Emperor of Russia

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The History of Peter the Great Emperor of Russia
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— De8cent upon Fialaod. - -Event of the year 1712. I TDKTFR, now seeing himself happy in his own family, and in his state, and successful in his war against Charles XII. And in the several ne- 232 HISTORY OF gotiations which he had entered into with other powers, who were resolved to assist him in driv- ing out the Swedes from the continent, and coop- ing them up for ever within the narrow isthmus of Scandinavia, began to turn his views entirely towards the north-west coasts of Kurope, not aside all thoughts of the Palus iMjeotis, or Black Sea. The keys of Azoph, which had been so long withheld from the basha, who was to have taken possession of that place for the sultan, his master, were now given up ; and, notwith- standing all the endeavours of the king of Sweden, the intrigues of his friends at the Otto- man Porte, and even some menaces of a new war on the part of the Turks, both that nation and the Russian empire continued at peace.
Charles XII. Still obstinate in his resolution not to depart from Bender, tamely submitted his hopes and fortunes to tke caprice of a grand vizier ; while the czar was threatening all his provinces, arming against him the king of Den- mark, and the elector of Hanover, and had al- most persuaded th« king of Prussia, and even the Poles and Saxons, to declare openly for him.

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