The Importance of a Clear Understanding of Britains Work in India An Inaugura

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The Importance of a Clear Understanding of Britains Work in India An Inaugura
Verney Lovett
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The first is, why did so many people err widely in forecasting the attitude of India on the out- break of a great European war ? The answer is plain. They were misled by anti-British effusions on plat- forms and in the press, in India and in other countries. Mr. Gladstone once spoke of two journals which had never found, so far as he was aware, ' anything but guilt or folly ' in any one of his actions. Such prejudiced and undiscriminating criticism is checked and met in this country. It is gene...rally taken for what it is worth. But in India conditions are widely different; there is no rival political party to oppose actively the 'outs' who ascribe all ills to the guilt or folly of the ' ins '. There is a sober informed opinion, but it often fears greatly the energetic tactics of the party of perpetual discontent. Out- side both parties is the great bulk of the people who for centuries have accepted one government after another, looking to each government to defend its own reputa- tion and fight its foes of all kinds.

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