The Interpretation of History

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At the time of the Peace of Westphalia, the destruction of imperial and papal authority promised the beginning of an era in which nations should be unimpeded in the pursuit of their own interests; the crushing of internal disorders promised the consolidation of every state, the end of all resistance to government. At the outbreak of the French Revolution, the general acceptance of the balance of power as the ultimate basis of international relations evidenced the vitality of external; the growth of criticism and of resistance to government evidenced the vitality of internal Individualism. All expectations were falsified save that of the enduring nature of the struggle between the desire to rule and the desire to be ruled.
THE CONFLICT IN EUROPE 209 X THE CONFLICT IN EUROPE: 5. FROM THE FRENCH REVOLUTION TO THE PRESENT DAY No great event in history is susceptible of and has re- ceived so many different and contradictory interpreta- tions as has the French Revolution. Some have regarded the movement as being essentially directed against absolutism; some have held that it was designed to secure unity and centralisation.

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