The Iron Khan

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Rather than the sensation of falling, after the initial pull, Zhu Irzh felt as though he was standing still while the world whisked past him. Fragments and snatches of scenes whirled by: cities built and ransacked, armies on the move, forests growing and dwindling as the desert sands took hold. Beside him, he thought Raksha might be screaming, but he could not be sure.  Then it all stopped. Heat was beating down on his skin, and a yelling man was swinging a sword at him. Startled, Zhu Irzh up a reflexive hand and cast out a spell. His assailant burst apart in a shower of fire. Alongside, other warriors paused for an astonished moment, then resumed their battle. Raksha had picked up the fallen man’s sword and was swinging it with grim determination. She might have come from a pre-Iron Age culture, but she’d got the hang of more modern weaponry with commendable speed and enthusiasm. Another warrior went down in a fountain of blood as Raksha decapitated him. Might as well leave her to it, the demon thought, and concentrated on blasting opponents apart until enough of a path was cleared for him to grab the shaman and haul her onto a nearby rise.  From here, they found themselves looking down onto a battlefield.

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