The Karakorans And Kashmir An Account of a Journey

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The Karakorans And Kashmir An Account of a Journey
Oscar Eckenstein
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Yesterday morning we paid a sort of official-cum-leave-taking-visit to the old Maharajah of Nagyr ; his name is Zaper Khan. He is an old and infirm man, who has much difficulty in moving about. He is only nominally the chief, the reigning active one being Secundar Khan, who met us at Tashot. We called on his Highness at about 10 a. M. , and stayed there for nearly an hour. His habitation is a very decent one, and has a splendid situation. In the afternoon his Highness was brought to us — he can
... hardly walk a step by himself — and then there was a **tamasha. " The royal band put in an appearance, and there was Nagyr. 147 much dancing, one performer, Ghroda Aman, one of the chief officials (Barra Lumbardar of the place) doing a really good sort of sword dance, which certainly proved that he well understood the handling of a sword. I extracted more information from the Wazir on the subject of the passes. He has now arrived at the point of saying that they were crossed in his youth.

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