The Late Michael Henry Obituary Notices Letters of Condolence And Other Meme

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The Late Michael Henry Obituary Notices Letters of Condolence And Other Meme
Richard L Henry
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DEAR SIR, At a meeting of the Committee of the Stepney Jewish Schools, held on the zoth inst. , it was unani- mously resolved to offer you and your esteemed relatives, on the part of the Committee, the expression of our deep and heartfelt sympathy on the irreparable loss you have sustained in the death of that noble-minded, tender, and true-hearted man, whom you had the good fortune to call your brother.
Associated as we have been with him for so many years, we have had ample opportunities to a
...ppreciate his unflagging zeal, his utter abnegation of self, and his truly religious fervour ; and it is not too much to say that all of us his colleagues on this Committee -feel that in him we have lost a brother. No words of ours can lighten the blow that has fallen on the relatives to whom he was so devoted, but it must surely be a source of some consolation to them to know that their grief is shared and felt as a personal loss, not only by the pupils of the Stepney School who have lost in him a second father, but by every member of the community to whose service he gave the best part of his life, the best efforts of his ever active and energetic mind.

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