The Laureates of England From Ben Jonson to Alfred Tennyson

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The book The Laureates of England From Ben Jonson to Alfred Tennyson was written by author Here you can read free online of The Laureates of England From Ben Jonson to Alfred Tennyson book, rate and share your impressions in comments. If you don't know what to write, just answer the question: Why is The Laureates of England From Ben Jonson to Alfred Tennyson a good or bad book?
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. . T care not, " The famous " Bon Gaultier Ballads " end with : " They led our Wordsworth to the Queen, she crowned him with the bays, And wished him many happy years, and many quarter days ; And if you'd have the story told by abler lips than mine You've but to call at Rydal Mount, and taste the Laureate's wine! " In view of the many unjust and contemptible things which have been said under the thin veil of satire, is it any wonder that Wordsworth, whose reverent and tender soul recoiled from... such degradation of his calling, should have abandoned all thoughts of a journalist's career because he had, he said, " come to a fixed resolu- tion to steer clear of personal satire and devote himself entirely to literature?" SELECTIONS FROM PYE.
When from the bosom of the mine The magnet first to light was thrown, Fair Commerce hailed the gift divine, And smiling, claimed it for her own.
My bark (she said) this gem shall guide Thro' paths of ocean yet untried, While as my daring sons explore Each rude inhospitable shore, 'Mid desert lands and ruthless skies, New seats of industry shall rise, And culture wide extend its genial reign Free as the ambient gale, and boundless as the main.

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The Laureates of England From Ben Jonson to Alfred Tennyson
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