The Leading Ideas of the Gospels

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John (ii. 13 ; v. 1 ; vi. 4 ; vii. 2, 37 ; x. 22 ; xi. 55 ; xiii. 1 ; xviii. 28, 39 ; "X. 30.
2o8 THE LEADING IDEAS NOTE A No thoughtful Christian can fail to have been struck by the fact that, except those few words which our Master "with His finger wrote upon the ground, " He wrote nothing. He did not bow down over a table piled with manuscripts, and in hours of meditative thought during which He outwatched the stars erect a monument which might be admired by a succession of sages and critics
.... He did not write out the complete text of an elaborate system of theology. He went forth into the throng of men. He. Spoke by the highways and the lake-side, in words which, if they were high as heaven and deep as the transparent lake, were in form broad and popular. When we consider the analogy of the ' ' tables that were the work of God, " and of "the writing that was the writing of God, " and the value of books in excluding error and securing permanence — we ask why did He not write ? There is one reason, derived from His nature.

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The Leading Ideas of the Gospels
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