The Life of William Alexander, Earl of Stirling, Major-General in the Army of the United States During the Revolution : With Selections From His Correspondence 2

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The Life of William Alexander, Earl of Stirling, Major-General in the Army of the United States During the Revolution : With Selections From His Correspondence 2
William Alexander
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G. the Earl of Stirling.
^' Cambridge, March 19th, 1776. .
" Mr LoRD^ — I am now to acknowledge the receipt of your favour of the 11th instant, and to give you every congratulation upon your late appointment by the hon- ourable Congress.
" If the intelligence is true, and to be depended on, which was brought by the gentlemen to New- York, I think with youy that we shall have an opportunity of securing and putting the continent in a tolerable posture of defence, and that the operations of the su
...mmer's cam- paign will not be so terrible as we were taught to expect from the accounts and communications which thie Minis- try have held forth to the public.
" I have the pleasure to inform you that on the morning of the 17th instant General Howe and his army abandoned the town of Boston without destroying it, an event of much importance, and which must be heard with great satisfaction, and that we are now in full pos- session. Their embarkation and retreat were hurried and precipitate ; and they have left behind them jstores of one thing and another to a considerable amount, among which are several pieces of heavy cannon^ and one or two mortars, which are spiked.

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