The Little Girl Who Was Taught By Experience

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The Little Girl Who Was Taught By Experience
James E James Ellsworth Boyd
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" O the beautiful gold fish, " exclaim- ed Lucy, " I had quite forgotten to ask about them, I dare say they are in that pond, and I do long to see them, " and away she ran with all her speed, think- ing only of the pretty gold fish which Emily had told her about so often ; but the wind filled out the light folds of her beautiful silk dress, and as she pased a turning in the walk, the trimming was caught by the briars of a rose-bush Ill) TAUGHT BY EXPERIENCE. 19 and torn almost entirely off, bef...ore she could stop herself. Lucy stood aghast at this sad rent ! the delicate trimming was quite in tatters, and the thought of what her aunt had said to her (for she now remembered it every word) made her ashamed to look her in the face ; however, she pinned it on as well as she could, and again she walked slowly and carefully, quite forgetting the gold fish and every thing but her misfortunes and her shame, and wish- ing she had not been so self-willed and perverse. But when little children will not be guided by the experience and judgment of their best and wisest friends, and will try for themselves, they often learn through much suffering and trouble, and pay dearly for the instruc- tion which they might have had for nothing.

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