The More You Ignore Me

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‘Oh, just messed around at home,’ said Alice.
‘I went to Hereford,’ said Gina from her usual position in the corner.
Oh shit, thought Alice. She’s going to land me right in it. ‘Yes, love,’ said Keith, not really even registering what she had said, so accustomed was he to her pronouncements having all the authenticity of a cheap romantic novel.
Alice now had to work out how she was going to square things with Marie Henty who, she had realised over the years. was probably a bit in love with her d
Little glances, slight breathlessness, redness of cheeks and an overwillingness to help out at any time of day or night were the symptoms she had diagnosed in the awkward GP.
Of course, as soon as there was a whiff of anything to do with Keith, it was likely Marie would insist on talking to him directly, in the vain hope that something might happen between them. Keith, in all his unashamed blissful naivety, hadn’t got a clue, even after all this time, that Marie Henty had an unrelenting crush on him.

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