The Naval Reserve

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The Naval Reserve
Frank Hunter Potter
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They remind the recruit of the new responsibilities Photo by Stuart Randolph Whitman HAMMOCKS AIRING A TRAINING STATION 71 which he has undertaken. "You are in the service now, and whatever you do will be either an honor or a disgrace to the flag. Won't you try, with God's help, to be a credit to it? " And ninety times out of a hun- dred the boy will look the speaker squarely in the eye and say, "Yes, sir; I will!" But it must not be imagined that the chaplains are perpetually pursuing the men ...with tracts, or that there is anything of the Sunday-school atmosphere about the Y. M. C. A. And K. Of C. Houses. The Christianity of this camp is ninety-nine per cent applied, that is, it is a matter of service. It is perfectly true that there are religious services, and that everybody is invited to them. But nobody is nagged. If the boys ask help and advice they get them in generous measure, but they are not thrust on anyone.
As for the Y. M. C. A. And K. Of C. Houses, they are simply the men's clubs, where they can loaf or write letters or play games or sing, as they choose.

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