The New American Type And Other Essays

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. You must remember when you are well, I am well ; you are the very root of my life now, and will be perhaps forever. " CHARLES RUSSELL LOWELL 155 About a year before his death he married Miss Josephine Shaw, sister of Colonel Rob ert Gould Shaw. " In these times, " he said, " weddings are what they should be, quiet, simple, and sacred. " From the front he wrote to her, " I don t want to be shot till I Ve had a chance to come home. I have no idea that I shall be hit, but I want so much not to b...e now, that it sometimes frightens me. " Yet when Mrs. Lowell made plans for them after the war, for travels in Italy or Egypt, he answered, " We do not own ourselves, and have no right even to wish ourselves out of harness. " He was killed at the age of twenty-nine ; she, then twenty years old, lived on for forty- one years, living as her husband had lived, spending herself in service, free from care for self, free from all that could cloud or obscure the nobility of life. While she lived she was so light-hearted, so interested in all sorts of things, so loving in all human relations, so careful of little duties, and took so much de light in the daily joys and recreations of life, that, blinded by the mere pleasure of her presence, one did not wholly realize the sim ple, heroic lines of her character.

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