The New Route of Commerce By the Isthmus of Tehuantepec: a Paper Read Before ...

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The New Route of Commerce By the Isthmus of Tehuantepec: a Paper Read Before ...
Simon Stevens
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Its refults are Jo fully Jet forth in the Report of the Survey, prepared by J. J. Williams, one of the underfigned, that we need only Jtate that it ejlablijhed the practicability of a railway route at moderate expenfe, and with grades not exceeding 60 feet per mile, and with a Jummit about 800 feet above the level of the fea. The pajjes Jurveyed were not fuppofed to be as low as the more eajlern one of Tarifa, and no observations whatever were made, Jpecially directed to the practicability of a... canal.
In the year 1857 the railway project was refumed, and a new Jurvey executed under the direction of W. H. Sidell, now Lieut. -Colonel of Infantry and Brevet Brigadier General, U. S. Army, a diftinguifhed civil and railway engineer, the objeft being a final location of the road. This latter Jurvey was made with much care and expenje. Upon its rejults and the previous furveys the line of location has been definitively laid down, the cojl of conjlruclion ejiimated, and everything ejlablijhed necef- fary to the ijfuing of fpecifications for contracts for the execution of the work.

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