The Pilgrimage of the Life of Man

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What reading level is The Pilgrimage of the Life of Man book?
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" t 3 th ^ d jj? r ^ s V' where l IT Sorcerye : * [* St. , . . Erie > margin C. ] Sorcery.
1 Thyn Answere mvt be verrefyed ; 21173 Thys lassii world ys stellef yed which is TII i 11 stardlike Lych lievene, and as the ftyrmament, the sky; Ther-off to make A lugement, 21176 Vnderstonde by bothe two, The vysage and the hand also, that is, by . , _ mnn'g face Vp-on wych, by trewe syht, and hand.
Men may yive a doom A-ryht, 21180 [leaf 275] Tellii the condyc'ioiws iiy the lines By dy vers lyneac'iou
...ns man's fate Wych tlier be set (I the ensure, ) they are Ryht as sterrys off nature. 21184 stars.
If The Pylgryme : 5 [ s Tib. , Pilgrim St. , om. C. ] The Pilgrim.
" To thy wordy s I may accorde J partly agree J J J with yon, In party, and nat dyscorde, sorcery.
That a man whow we nevene [stowe, ieafs] Ys ysterryd as the hevene ; 21188 But her-vp-on, in substaimce, Thow puttest nat in re"membraiwce, But recollect, Namynge thylke lyneact'ous, By namys off constellaci'ouws ; [Tib. , leaf 72] 21192 ffor treAvely 6 (who kan rementbre) ?

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